quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2009

And LIfe goes on ...But to where ?

how many mistakes or regrets someone s allowed to have in life? how many times can u turn back and start all over again ? i remember people saying since i was a kid that making a mistake is acceptable but making it again makes u dumb .... well ....some other people also say that it is never too late to start again ....is it really true ? what makes me wondering lately is that starting something again might be the same thing as going back in time and start from nothing again ... maybe is just a different way to see things .. maybe im not being as positive as i should be ...maybe im complaining too much and spending precious time with something that will take me nowhere ....

why is it so difficult to turn things the way u want ....? can anybody tell me any guide book of life ? i now appreciate even more the elderly people .... because if you think about it ....life is not easy ...for anyone .....and if they lived and reached the old stage of life...god knows everything they have been through .....which in a way it scares me to death , because that also means that i still haven't had enough .....there are gonna be more hard times ahead my shoulder .....

did u ever asked yourself why do you make the choices u make ... ? why do you turn left instead of right ..... why do you get on time somewhere when you should...or you could be five minutes late ? why you re asleep when you u could be having wonderfull dreams ...?

anyway ... the best way to describe the life im living right now is .... " life....to many questions....waiting for some answers ....wasting time making decisions"......well.....theres no decisions cause obviously i still haven t found the answers i m looking for and that s why im wasting time ....and ....aaaawwwwhhhh ....enough ....

well....im just trying to be reasonable to myself ....just wish i could have that one little piece of advice .......that one sentence that will make me realise all i ve done and all i have to do ....but life once again is not easy and i know its something i have to figure it out for myself ...ahhh im going mad i guess ......but what i want from life is something just so simple ....

meaning of happiness .... for me will be that time when when i feel nothing is missing ...but then the purpose of life will have no meaning because u live your life wanting things, dreaming for more .....so there s always gonna be something missing.....so ...again ... meaning of happiness ..? well.....loads of theories and no reasonable way out .....i wanna be happy ...and in a lot of ways i am .... aaawhhhhhhhhhhhhh again ..freaking out ...

thats it.....no one to talk to so talking to myself waiting the time to fall sleep ....


quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2008

East London

Saudade dessa galera ...puxa vida...nunca podia imaginar que em questao de dias, estaria saindo de la .....FAMOSA CASA 8 ..........quanta coisa pra se contar de lah .....enfim...to morando no leste de Londres agora com o pessoal do pub onde eu trabalho ...quero ver como vai ser ...trabalhar junto, morar junto, etc...
A primeira noite foi legal ..dei uma volta na zona e gostei ...da pra ver CANARY WHARF daki (pelo menos um pedacinho, e quem naum souber ve as fotos no orkut ) ......agora tenhoq ue tirar fotos atualizadas daki ... hehehehehehehe

beijo pra leticia, daiane, bibi ...cinthia (que naum mora mais lah mas mora perto igual )
abracos: rafa, vargas, davis, guilherme .......marcos e matheus (que tb naum moram mais lah mas moram perto) ......

apareco por ai !!!!!!!!!!

segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2007

"Me, myself.....& myself again !"

Felt like posting again ...

News from the moment:

- Have become a barmann;
- Have gone to Melanie C `s House;
- Autumn is already coming;
- Trying a new hair cut;
- Plans have been made.

Well...after three weeks of a hard working as a glass collector in a gay pub, i think i finally got my value (or not) and now i'm the brand new barman of the Quebec (www.thequebec.co.uk). That's the place i work.

Bem ..ia escrever o texto em ingles mas ja perdi o animo ... sao 4 da manha ..cheguei do pub agora e me desculpem a falta de acentos no meu portugues.... mas o teclado naum me ajudou ..

Trabalhei muito semana passada ....sexta, sabado e domingo, folguei segunda, depois terca e quarta, folguei quinta, depois sexta e sabado ...folguei ontem , trabalhei hoje ..

Ja essa semana sera um poko mais tranquila ....trabalho seg (hoje - ja trabalhei) ..depois quarta, sexta e sabado ..

Espero eu fazer algo de produtivo no meu off...sair , tirar umas fotos pq ficar em casa e ruim ...(mas e bom ao mesmo tempo) ...

No mais jah tenho alguns objetivos tracados por aki ...descobri que Londres naum e taum perfeito como podem dizer ...naum e um lugar onde eu queira passar o resto da vida ...o povo se mata trabalhando e o consumismo impera na capital do mundo ... estamos em setembro e ja tao vendendo coisas pro natal , acreditam ??

O verao naum comecou ..ja acabou ....o frio esta chegando aos poucos, o dia esta acabando cada vez mais cedo .....as folhas estao caindo e de alguma forma isso e ate bonito .... ver o clima mudando aos poucos, asssim como o humor das pessoas ...

Quanto a mel c ..nem sei se jah falei ou naum .....fui na casa dela ...mas ela estava na alemanha no dia ...devo voltar lah na quinta ...ou sexta ...quem sabe dou sorte .... pra quem nao sabe ....e a SPORTY SPICE.

Cortei eu cabelo ontem .....tah ficando um moicano aos poucos ..heheh vamos ver se eu me adapto ...

O tempo em Londres e uma coisa engracada ....ele passa tao rapido e tao devagar ao mesmo tempo ... um dia vc acorda e e segunda, quando pisca e domingo ...mas com oqueria que os meses passassem tb ....

Hoje eu vi umas fotos do rio de novo ..... ah que saudade ..hj e niver da minha irma ... LUUUUU - amo vc .. feliz aniversario , mesmo de longe sinta - se beijada, abracada, apertada .....quando ficar rico eu mando presente..mas por enquanto ......

Semana uqe vem e meu aniversario ..e pela primeira vez na vida vou ter a companhia de mim mesmo .......Me, Myself and ....???? Who knows ...probably just a botle of wine ... triste passar aniversario sozinho ...se bem que tem o povo da casa ....mas queria mesmo era os meus amigos e minha familia .... :<( Bom ...bola pra frente...tentar ser omais positivo possivel ... Definicao de Londres : AME E/OU ODEIE !!!!! p.s.: Pode ser ao mesmo tempo viu ? !

Cheers everyone ...


Now listening to : I got money now - Pink

quinta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2007

Back to Post Again....

Ok. I felt like giving me another chance to express how i'm feeling these days. Not that i did not feel comfortable about doing it before, but i have just did not think about it.
As a beggining, i think it's important to specify one thing. I won't care about who's reading that, if actually someone's gonna read it. I'm just doing it again just because of me. To have some more space in this world, on in this wide web world, if you know what i mean. Express my thoughts, my feelings, and show you what's going on in this crazy life caled LONDON.
Sometimes it's gonna be written in english, sometimes not. It will depend on my willingness.
Probably u might think i'm kinda different, pfysically or mentally speaking. But that's city fucks our brain if you are not that ready for it, so....i hope i am (ready) to this...
It's been two months in a place i thought it would be perfect. And actually it is, if you see thing in a positive way. I still hava a feeling that im in the place i allways wanted to be, but without something i wanted to have. (too hard to explain that).
Being in London is hard. The Big Ben is not as tall as we thought it would be, The Queen exist, but no one on this planet have seen her around, there are thieves and lots of people from all over the globe, but....believe me ..there's no engligh citzens in here.
Life here is not exactly the way you might think it would be when you are in Brazil. Here you have to decide many thing in just a few seconds. It's tough....
At least there are some good thigs. HARRY POTTER DOES EXIST and that i know because i trully saw him (there's a picture to prove that on my orkut). Thing are really cheap (if you think in Pounds), and yes, we have lots of things to do.
One thing i just don't understand yet....Madonna made success with Hung UP by singin "Time GOES BY SO SLOWLY", and thats not true at least here in London. TIME GOES BY SO FAAAAASSSSTTTTTT.... one day you wake up and then a whole week has passed by you.
Another Good Thing.... The SPICE GIRLS are comming back, and that's one thing that make me feel confortable about staying here for longer....
The place i Live...nice peopole, however they're not my family but i treat them like they were.
Buy the end of it, there's plenty of thing running through my mind at this moment.....but it's kinda late and have to wake up early for me to deliver flyers in some stupid underground station.
Oh, just another thing....people say and/or love easily in this town ....so ...if you are one of the person who believes on that, so please, brign someone nice for me to get along ok ?

Cheers guys.....hope next post to be more positive.

P.s: Miss family, friends, xxxfriend, the place i came from ....
P.s.2: If you did not understand that, please, buy a dictionary or come to London to TRY to Study. heheheh

And sorry about some mistakes here....

Now listening - THIS TIME - MELANIE C (LOVE YA )


segunda-feira, 7 de maio de 2007

The waiting, the rush

Yes .... kinda lost, but creating an amazing expectation ...today is gonna be day i'll start do my own things without depending on anyone .... anymore....

Sometimes peopole feel sad, feel not glad with the thing this person should to....

Sometimes we may feel stucked in something avoiding us to increase in life ...

But what's life for you? What do you most expect for your life?

For me ?? I would say ......

being somewhere i would feel completely happy (if that's possible)

being with someone who could realy make me feel satisfied (guess i found him)

having possibilities to be whoever i wanna be .....


I'm not able to say right now where i'm gonna be in a few days, weeks or months .....but i know i'll be in the right place, wherever it will be ....unless here where i am today ...

Another thing........"met" someone realy special .....u know who i'm talkin' about....u've been makin' my days realy better...... xxx

that's it .......i'm already (almost) gone...!

domingo, 29 de abril de 2007

Just another sunday.......another day. Seems paciencie needs to be the most important feeling right now. But that's ok. As i stand here all alone, decided to write down my thoughts at this moment. Hope this day not to take so long, but actually, don't mind bout that. Just a few more sundays like this for me to runnaway from here.
It's been some days things are quite stucked, but there's no need for me to worry about, cause i know things are like that. But once i have given the first step, then the rest it's just the rest. I just know that i need to hurry. Get things ok, and i might to do this week. Hope so....

I can't wait to leave. It's been exciting all this experiencie which is about to begin yet. Gonna miss some people.

Ok. that's it......

segunda-feira, 16 de abril de 2007

Huahuahuauahauhauahauhaau Essa foto ae me rendeu muita dor de cabeça nesse sábado ....Mas vlw a pena ....

Bom, a caminho de terça - feira. Dia produtivo ... e dependendo até o dia 15/04 to saindo fora ...

Not much do say, but much to do...

Amanha eu vou correr na Redenção. Esteja lá pra tirar fotos, pq este será um evento extraordinário. E assim será até a minha despedida (eu espero - ehehehehe) ...

P.s.: When will be the next reunion ?

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